Proof inspired by Galvanized Jets
This proof attempts to do something similar to Galvanized Jets: printing words
that showcase all letter permutations. In this case it dynamically adjusts to
glyphs available in GLYPHS_EN
"""WordSiv Proof inspired by"""
from wordsiv import WordSiv
from itertools import product
import logging
GLYPHS_EN = "HAMBUGERFONTSIVhambugerfontsiv.,"
GLYPHS_AR = "نيوفأعدقجزخضذئةىءآإ"
# Quiet the output of WordSiv, since there will inevitably be a lot of word queries
# that don't have any results when we're permuting all letters
wsv_log = logging.getLogger("wordsiv")
def gj_proof_en(glyphs, case="cap"):
wsv = WordSiv(vocab="en", glyphs=glyphs)
uc_glyphs = "".join(sorted(c for c in glyphs if c.isupper()))
lc_glyphs = "".join(sorted(c for c in glyphs if c.islower()))
if case == "cap":
pairs = [f"{uc}{lc}" for uc in uc_glyphs for lc in lc_glyphs]
elif case == "lc":
pairs = ["".join(pair) for pair in product(lc_glyphs, repeat=2)]
elif case == "uc":
pairs = ["".join(pair) for pair in product(uc_glyphs, repeat=2)]
raise ValueError(f"Invalid case: {case}")
words = []
for pair in pairs:
if case == "cap":
w = wsv.top_word(startswith=pair, case="cap", min_wl=4)
elif case == "lc":
w = wsv.top_word(inner=pair, case="lc", min_wl=4)
elif case == "uc":
w = wsv.top_word(inner=pair, case="uc", min_wl=4)
if w:
return " ".join(words)
def gj_proof_ar(glyphs, mode):
wsv = WordSiv(vocab="ar", glyphs=glyphs)
pairs = ["".join(pair) for pair in product(glyphs, repeat=2)]
word_list = []
for pair in pairs:
if mode == "init":
w = wsv.top_word(startswith=pair, min_wl=5)
elif mode == "medi":
w = wsv.top_word(inner=pair, min_wl=5)
elif mode == "fina":
w = wsv.top_word(endswith=pair, min_wl=5)
if w:
return " ".join(word_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
proof = ""
proof = (
f'English: UC-lc letter permutations at word start for glyphs "{GLYPHS_EN}"\n'
proof += gj_proof_en(GLYPHS_EN, case="cap") + "\n\n"
proof += (
f'English: UC-UC letter permutations inside word for glyphs "{GLYPHS_EN}"\n'
proof += gj_proof_en(GLYPHS_EN, case="uc") + "\n\n"
proof += (
f'English: lc-lc letter permutations inside word for glyphs "{GLYPHS_EN}"\n'
proof += gj_proof_en(GLYPHS_EN, case="lc") + "\n\n"
proof += f'Arabic: letter permutations at word start for glyphs "{GLYPHS_AR}"\n'
proof += gj_proof_ar(GLYPHS_AR, mode="init") + "\n\n"
proof += f'Arabic: letter permutations inside word for glyphs "{GLYPHS_AR}"\n'
proof += gj_proof_ar(GLYPHS_AR, mode="medi") + "\n\n"
proof += f'Arabic: letter permutations at word end for glyphs "{GLYPHS_AR}"\n'
proof += gj_proof_ar(GLYPHS_AR, mode="fina")