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Init, Medi, Fina Proof Example

José Solé modified WordSiv 0.1.0 to work with Arabic and Persian, and created a useful script to showcase letters in their init (start of word), medi (inside word), fina (end of word), and isol (by itself) forms.

This example shows how WordSiv 0.2.0+ can support this use case:

"""WordSiv proof that is an adaption of a proof from @jmsole"""

from wordsiv import WordSiv

# Arabic and Farsi glyphs
AR_GLYPHS = "ابجدهوزحطيكلمنسعفصقرشتثخذضظغء"
FA_GLYPHS = "یهونملگکقفغعظطضصشسژزرذدخحچجثتپباء"

def init_medi_fina(glyphs, lang):
    wsv = WordSiv(glyphs=glyphs, vocab=lang)

    lines = []
    for g in glyphs:
        init = " ".join(wsv.top_words(n_words=5, min_wl=5, max_wl=14, startswith=g))
        medi = " ".join(wsv.top_words(n_words=5, min_wl=5, max_wl=14, inner=g))
        fina = " ".join(wsv.top_words(n_words=5, min_wl=5, max_wl=14, endswith=g))
        lines.append(g + " " + " ".join([init, medi, fina]))

    return "\n".join(lines)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Generate and print text proofs for Arabic and Farsi templates
    print("Proof text in Farsi:")
    print(init_medi_fina(FA_GLYPHS, lang="fa"))

    print("Proof text in Arabic:")
    print(init_medi_fina(AR_GLYPHS, lang="ar"))